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Read our occasional blog posts for stories from our partners mixed with a few of our own
Read our occasional blog posts for stories from our partners mixed with a few of our own
I truly enjoyed the four-week TechChange course on Agriculture, Innovation and Technology thanks to Nick, wonderful guest speakers and brilliant classmates. I grasped the understanding of the current status in utilizing information and communication technologies (ICTs) for agriculture (ICT4Ag) and...
On Monday, we had the pleasure of hosting TechGirls's Job Shadow Day for the fourth year in a row! TechGirls is a selective exchange program that encourages and supports the desire of Middle Eastern and North African teenage girls to pursue...
Last week, the mobile data collection service Magpi released its latest addition to the platform: data visualizations. We sat down with the founder and CEO, Dr. Joel Selanikio, to talk about the new feature and what Magpi has in store...
In partnership with the World Resources Institute, TechChange has built a seven-module online course for the Compact of Mayors, a global coalition of mayors and city leaders committed to sustainable local climate action. By providing a standard, public method of...
Isabel has recently joined TechChange as our Community Manager, working specifically with our service design team. Prior to coming to TechChange, Isabel went to Swarthmore College, and graduated with honors in Political Science and a minor in Asian Studies. While she's...
Please join us in welcoming Amelia, one of our new summer fellows here at TechChange! Amelia graduated this past May from Yale University with a math major. Some of her most rewarding experiences she had at Yale were focused on teaching...
Earlier this spring, TechChange partnered with the SCORE Association, also known as “Counselors to America's Small Business”, along with their sponsor, the Deluxe Foundation. SCORE’s nationwide volunteer network provides small business development resources at no cost to entrepreneurs. Kathryn Kelly...
Please join us in welcoming Tahmid, one of our new summer fellows here at TechChange! Tahmid is a rising senior at Swarthmore College, double majoring in Math and Computer Science. He will be working with the tech team this summer and...
Please join us in welcoming Katie, one of our new summer fellows at TechChange! She is currently a rising junior at the University of Maryland, double majoring in Computer Science and Art. This summer she will be working with both our tech team and...
Please join us in welcoming Sarah, our new Instructional Design Fellow at TechChange! Sarah is a rising senior at Carnegie Mellon University, majoring in Human Computer Interaction and Decision Science with a minor in Learning Media. At CMU, she has developed...