Looking Forward to GDHF 2024


By Rose Nyzoka, Co-Chair of the Global Digital Health Network and Country Representative at Palladium 

The Global Digital Health Forum is where the world of digital health practitioners, experts, and funders comes together– it’s also one of my favorite times of the year, as co-chair for the Global Digital Health Network. I love reconnecting with friends and colleagues, and meeting new potential collaborators from across the globe. At 2023’s in-person event in Washington D.C., I had the opportunity to give opening remarks with my fellow GDHN co-chair, Carol Kamasaka. I urged participants to take take advantage off the new innovation of live watch parties we were bringing to in GDHF2023 to hear more voices and experiences from country teams in Kenya, Tanzania, St Lucia, Nigeria, Chile, and Indonesia.

GDHF 2023 Opening

The learnings from last year’s event are still fresh in my mind, particularly the exhortations by USAID Assistant Deputy Administrator, Sangita Patel, in her keynote address, where she rallied us as digital health actors to go beyond experimentation and embrace ecosystem-wide interventions that are lasting and sustainable. This was echoed by government leaders from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Haiti, Ghana, and Indonesia, who called for an increased focus on digital health goverance and the coordination of donor investments. 

Eco-system wide interventions and proper governance don’t just happen– they will be the direct result of sustained conversation and collaboration between digital health experts from low- to middle-income countries along with high-income countries. GDHF is an essential part of that conversation, and I urge you to join us this year to add your voice. 

Our network, working with TechChange as the operational support partner for the GDHF event, has just announced the location for the 2024 in-person site, and I’m thrilled to share that it’s my home city of Nairobi, Kenya! Digital Health programming in Kenya has come a long way, including development of standards for digital solutions, transitioning from paper to digital patient records, and enactment of Digital Health Act 2023, legislation that provides a framework for provision of digital health services, establishment of a comprehensive integrated digital health information system, data governance and protection of personal health information and service delivery through digital health interventions. The Ministry of Health is excited to co-host this event with GDHN, a testament of Kenya’s commitment to its digital health vision. Hosting the main event in Kenya provides the opportunity to center African expertise and programming, and I can’t wait to welcome our global digital health community to Nairobi.  

When I say the in-person GDHF 2024 , I want to clarify that’s because GDHF is quite intentionally a hybrid event, with virtual programming on the TechChange platform throughout the entire conference, as well as local watch parties in different countries in key time zones where local leaders and experts can gather together to participate, network, and share their own experiences. So, whether or not you’re able to come to Kenya this year– though I hope you  do!–  that’s not your only option for participating. 

Calls for workshop presentations will go live in a couple of months, we will keep you posted and  welcome you to share your ideas. 

See you in Nairobi, or online. 

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