March ICT4Drinks: Celebrating the Digital Development Awards


On March 29, 2019, TechChange and FHI360 will be celebrating the Digital Development Awards with another ICT4Drinks! Click here to register for this event and read below to learn more about the awards!

In 2018, USAID launched the second annual Digital Development Awards (the “Digis”). Recognizing USAID projects that harness the power of digital tools and data-driven decision making, the Digis highlight the important role digital technologies play in accelerating the achievement of development goals. After receiving more than 140 applications from programs around the world, USAID is proud to announce the five 2018 Digi winners:

  • Digital Inclusion in the Peruvian Amazon, USAID Peru – expands internet connectivity to rural areas while promoting digital skills training and opportunities to rural communities.
  • Feed the Future Tanzania Land Tenure Assistance, USAID Tanzania – uses GPS and government data to register and provide official certification of ownership to farmers, leading to increased access to inputs and financing for smallholder farmers, increased community trust in the registration system, and a reduction in land disputes.
  • FlaveDor and the Moldova Competitiveness Project, USAID Moldova – protects and strengthens the Moldovan wine industry by using technologies such as drones, remote sensing, and data analysis.
  • Jamii Africa and SHOPS Plus, USAID Tanzania – expands access to affordable health care and insurance to low-income Tanzanians through a cashless, paperless mobile platform.
  • WeMUNIZE and the Maternal and Child Survival Program, USAID Nigeria – increases early childhood immunizations in Northern Nigeria by using robocalls and SMS to influence, remind and persuade mothers, caregivers and their relatives to take children to health facilities.

The winning projects operate in countries across the globe and focus on diverse development goals and sectors. They demonstrate the life-changing power digital tools and data offer when strategically designed and implemented using digital development best practices like the Principles for Digital Development.  They follow in the trail-blazing path of the inaugural group of Digi winners last year, whose details can be found here.

As part of their award, the 2018 Digi winners will be recognized at a special ICT4Drinks reception in Washington D.C. on Friday, March 29. You can learn more about the reception here or learn more about the Digis inspiring work here. Be sure to also follow @USAID_Digital on Twitter for additional updates on the 2018 Digi Award winners, in-depth profiles on the Digi winners, and join the conversation at #2018Digis!

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