A Year in ICT4Drinks


When nerds and do-gooders get together, great things can happen. But what metric can adequately capture the importance of a convening partnership, a casual connection, or even a career-defining conversation?

We’ll let you know as we work on our ongoing standardization and improvements of ICT4Drinks, but in the meantime, we wanted to share and celebrate selected moments from 2018 through some of our favorite photos.

Whether you want to talk about the latest developments in ICT4D, introduce a friend to  your professional circle, or see what cool innovations other companies and organizations are up to, there’s something for everyone at ICT4Drinks. That said, we’d love to have you at our next ICT4Drinks at Takoda in January. Hope to see you there!


July: Ozio

In July, we kicked off our first official ICT4Drinks of the year on Ozio’s rooftop.



August: Ozio

In August, we paired up with DIAL and DAI to host another happy hour on Ozio’s beautifully sunny rooftop.


September: Local 16

In September we hosted a happy hour at Local 16, focusing on the next generation of digital development practitioners in partnership with DAI’s Center for Digital Acceleration.


October: Cortez

In honor of October’s financial inclusion week, we hosted a fintech happy hour in partnership with DAI’s Center for Digital Acceleration and Every1Mobile.



December: Local 16

From our CEO, Nick: “My favorite ICT4Drinks from this year was probably the December digital health one we hosted at Local 16 in partnership with DIAL, DAI, and Vital Wave. We’re looking for more partners in 2019 to co-sponsor with us so reach out if you’re interested!”


If you’ve attended any of our ICT4Drinks in 2018 or before, we’d love for you to take this quick poll!


And don’t forget, our next ICT4Drinks is Jan 16th! Hope to see you there! The most popular collection of y8 games online.


Photography by Chris Neu and Min Cheng.

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