TechChange Returns for InterAction Forum 2017!

InterAction Forum Exhibit Hall

On June 20-22, TechChange will return to InterAction Forum 2017! We’re hoping to build on our success from last year (See photos: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and Gala and Awards Ceremony), by taking photos of three former Presidents (Bill Clinton, Joyce Banda, and Mary Robinson). But even more importantly, we want to take pictures of our community: Including you!

So, if you’re planning to attend, please tweet using the hashtag #InterActionForum to let us know that you’ll be there. And if you you have some free time in between events during the event, check out our table in the exhibit hall, where we’ll have a photobooth for InterAction Forum attendees, as well as a screen where we’ll show all the pictures that we’re taking throughout the day. To learn more scheduling and list of speakers, check out the Daily Agenda for Forum 2017.

Lastly, if you haven’t bought your ticket yet, there’s still time before the June 2 registration deadline. Click here to register for InterAction Forum 2017 now.

See you soon!

TechChange at InterAction Forum 2016

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