TechChange in AIDF’s Top 100 Accounts to Follow on Twitter in 2015


What does TechChange have in common with Alicia Keys, Bollywood actor Aamir Khan, and Doctors Without Borders? We are all in Aid & International Development Forum’s ‘Top 100 Accounts to Follow on Twitter in 2015!’

AIDF released their list of the most active and followed accounts in humanitarian aid and development on March 3, 2015 and we are excited to be listed as number 57 on the list as one of the top three Mobile for Development (#M4D) twitter accounts.

TechChange also ranked among the top three Mobile for Development (M4D) accounts, next to @mHealthSummit and @GSMAm4d. Nine other M4D twitter accounts also made AIDF’s top 100 list, showing the growth of this sector.

We are equally excited to see some of our partner organizations including the World Bank, Oxfam International, USAID’s Global Development Lab, and more make the list!
See the complete list here.

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