#IWD2015: Celebrating International Women’s Day 2015

International Women's Day 2015

On this year’s International Women’s Day, we recognize the important work our alumni and partners are doing to empower women and girls across the world.

At TechChange, there are few areas we see this empowerment happening than in the field of family planning and reproductive health. As we’ve seen in our mHealth online course and community, many organizations are doing fantastic work in this area including the UN Foundation and MAMA, D-Tree International, FHI 360, Jhpiego, John Snow Inc., and more.

We’re hoping to further explore the issue of gender in global development programs and technology in our upcoming online course on Gender.

Use the coupon code, IWD2015, by this Friday, March 13, to get $50 off any TechChange open online course such as mHealth, Mobiles for International Development, Gender, and more.



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