Video: Accelerating Progress to End World Hunger


Taking the  2014 annual report from the U.S. Government’s largest food security initiative and condensing it into an engaging 3-minute video is no easy task. But that’s exactly what the creative team at TechChange did when it partnered with Feed the Future last month. In just four weeks, TechChange worked with Feed the Future to develop the script, storyboard, narration and artwork that culminate in the video below:

As an outreach tool, the video will help Feed the Future raise awareness of the importance of global food security. Across the world, 800 million people suffer regularly from hunger, making food security one of the biggest challenges that the world faces today. However, with programs such as the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future initiative, we’re on the path to ending world hunger.

Through the Feed the Future program, the U.S. has been partnering with small-scale farmers, researchers, local and country leaders in developing countries, and both local and multinational corporations to embrace technology in scaling solutions to farming and food production challenges. This program is also helping to make developing countries more resilient in the face of natural disasters.

Through measurable results striving toward reaching the Millennium Development Goal of reducing world hunger by half by 2015, Feed the Future is making some important strides. For example, in Bangladesh, rice farmers improved fertilizers, boosted crop yields, and ultimately increased sales from $33 million to $57 million. In 2013, Feed the Future helped nearly 7 million farmers and food producers  improve their productivity and yields  on more than 4 million hectares of land… and reached more than 12-and-a-half million children through nutrition interventions.

For more information on Feed the Future, please visit

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