EVENT: Join Us for January ICT4Drinks!

ICT4Drinks - TechChange and Kurante Logos

TechChange and Kurante are excited to kick off the 2014 ICT4Drinks series with a Back-to-School happy hour on Thursday, January 30th from 6-9pm at 14K Lounge(RSVP Now)

It’s now a new year and a different month since we failed together (musically!) at Fail Festival last December. So here’s your chance to start the year right.

Join us for a lively discussion with other ICT4D professionals and share with us your hopes, dreams, interested classes, and tech-related laughs.

 We hope that you’ll find the time to drink up with our community, skill up with our classes, and cheer up in this weather.

First drink is on us. Second drink is probably a good idea. RSVP now!

January ICT4Drinks: Back-to-School Edition
Thursday, January 30th, 2014, 6:00-9pm
14K Restaurant & Lounge 

Learn more about TechChange online courses (Spring 2014):

Read more about the TechChange online learning model in New York Times and Fast Company.

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