State of TechChange 2013


What a year 2013 has been! Last year we did our first State of TechChange 2012 and figured it was time to look back on a year of learning.

More than ever, we are grateful to the growing global TechChange community that has more than doubled since last year to over 3000 participants in more than 100 countries. Thanks to your support, we’re continuing to provide innovative online learning solutions for international development.

Here’s a few highlights we’d like to share:

Press and Public Appearances

poptech nick

Online Courses and Platform Upgrades


Offline Education and Fun Stuff

  • Taught classes at George Washington University, Georgetown University, and more.
  • Traveled abroad to convene workshops for the Amani Institute in Kenya, THNK in Amsterdam, and TOL in Prague. 
  • Hosted the TechGirls for #JobShadow Day. Thanks to the State Department for introducing us to Nagham and Sondos!
  • Brought our logo to life. Finally, right? Looks and sounds cool too. Learn about how you can optimize your logo for video.
  • Donated a bunch of iPhones to help empower global health practitioners in developing countries via Hope Phones (check em out).

Hope to see you in 2014!

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