What’s Next for Online Education? Watch Nick Martin Live at PopTech 2013!


PopTech Sparks of brilliance 2013Curious about the future of online learning? Don’t miss TechChange Founder & CEO, Nick Martin, discuss this topic and our work at TechChange on Friday, October 25 via livestream of the 2013 PopTech conference.

Nick Martin, one of the 2013 PopTech Innovation Fellows, is attending the “Sparks of Brilliance” PopTech conference this week. He will be speaking between 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM EDT (14:30- 15:00 EDT) on Friday, October 25 about our work at TechChange to train international development practitioners to use technology better. In Session VII, Nick will be speaking alongside Miriah Meyer, Francisco Cervera, Lisa Servon, Dan Schulman, and Nicole Stubbs.

Catch Nick’s talk streamed live here: http://poptech.org/live and join the conversation with #PopTech using the channels listed here.

Go Nick!

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